Each tool has its strengths, but they also come with trade-offs. Let’s see how they stack up.
1. Selenium
Selenium has been around the longest and is probably the most well-known of the three. It works with all major browsers and can be used with a variety of programming languages, which is great for flexibility.
But here’s the downside: Selenium isn’t optimized for scraping. It’s really more of a general-purpose automation tool. If you’re running multiple browser instances, it can get slow and resource-heavy pretty quickly.
2. Puppeteer
Puppeteer is Google’s answer to browser automation. It’s built specifically for Chromium-based browsers and is known for being fast and efficient. If you’re just scraping a few sites, Puppeteer can be a great choice since it’s relatively easy to set up and use.
However, it still runs into the same issues as Selenium when you start scaling. You’ll need more infrastructure, and dealing with bans will require adding extra tools to your setup.
3. Playwright
Playwright is the newest tool in the group, developed by Microsoft. It’s got some cool features, like support for multiple browsers (Chromium, Firefox, WebKit) and the ability to handle multiple browser contexts at once, which makes it a bit more powerful.
That said, Playwright still faces the same challenges when it comes to scraping. It’s flexible, but once you start scraping at scale, you’re going to run into the same infrastructure and maintenance headaches.