Solution Overview

Part of Zyte API

The Web Scraping Ecosystem for Professional Developers

Overcome any web scraping challenge quickly and efficiently with the Zyte coherent web scraping eco-system.

Step 1

Write your spiders code with a scraping framework

We recommend you start with Scrapy an open-source web scraping framework for Python, created and maintained by Zyte. Check our learn Scrapy tutorials or join the Extract Community on discord to connect with web scraping experts.

from scrapy import Field, Item, Spider

class MyItem(Item):
    price = Field()

class Scraper(Spider):

   name = "scraper"
   start_urls = [""]

   def parse(self, response, **kwargs):
       item = MyItem()
       item["price"] = response.css(".price_color::text").get()
       return item
Step 2

Deploy to Scrapy Cloud (optional)

Host, monitor and QA your Scrapy spiders in Scrapy Cloud the perfect solution to scale web scraping projects quickly and reliably with Zero vendor lock-in. Deploy code to Scrapy Cloud via your command line or directly with GitHub or access AI-Powered Smart Spider templates.

Step 3

Handling bans and blocks

Configure Scrapy requests to use Zyte API to automatically extract data from websites of all complexity levels, using only the leanest tech to handle bans. Plus render Javascript, automate browser actions and take screenshots. Available as either a REST API or HTTP API.

def start_requests(self):
        yield scrapy.Request(
              "zyte_api": {
                "geolocation": "CA",
                "browserHtml": True
Step 4

Turn web pages into JSON with AI Extraction

Switch on automatic extraction for articles, product pages or job listings and our patented ML will structure it for you. Forget about writing (and fixing) parsing code for your website.

  • Massively reduce time to build spiders

  • Minimize maintenance overhead per site

  • Can be extended and overridden

from scrapy import Request, Spider

class MySpider(Spider):
    my_spider = "toscrape_com"

    def start_requests(self):
        yield Request(
                "zyte_api_automap": {
                    "httpResponseBody": True,  
                    "productList": True,  

    def parse(self, response):
        http_response_body: bytes = response.body
        productList = response.raw_api_response["productList"]
Step 5

Go 'All-in' on AI for product data

Our complete solution to extracting e-commerce product data with AI

Radically scale your web data with our end-to-end solution to web scraping products using AI.

  • Write e-commerce spiders 3x faster,

  • Generate 50% less maintenance overhead

  • Customise AI Extraction with Scrapy

Ecommerce data scraping
Step 6

Ready to scale up?

When you want to level up and tackle advanced use cases or scale quickly, technology alone often isn’t enough. With our Enterprise plans, we combine our leading technology with our industry expertise to give you:

  • Developer-to-developer training and support

  • Enhanced SLAs

  • Enterprise pricing and volume discounts

Zyte API
Step 7

Outsource to Zyte

For organizations that want to outsource some (or all) of their web data collection, Zyte offers web scraping services backed by 13+ years of experience plus the largest team of 100+ web scraping experts. Let our experts understand your needs, and build the best solution to get the data for you. 

AI Scraping