Advanced Zyte API and Page Object techniques for AI Scraping customization

Exploit the customization power of Zyte API's AI-powered scraping with page objects

With Zyte API's AI-powered scraping, developers can start scraping the most common web data types at an unrivalled speed by leveraging our spider templates. These templates are built for a quick start and fast scaling, keeping developers in control.

When it's time to expand the project by adding more data sources or expanding the schema, page objects are the go-to option for Zyte developers to achieve maximum productivity.

Currently, page objects are used for data QA and some applications involving headless browsers, but Zyte has recently discovered their potential for customizing our AI-powered spider templates.

In this webinar, we explored using page objects to customize the spider templates of Zyte API's AI-powered scraping and how to customize the items you get from automatic extraction.

Watch Neha Setia Nagpal, Developer Advocate, and Mihaela Popova, Python Developer at Zyte, to learn:

• What page objects are and why do they matter for web scraping

• How to customize spider templates and how to start using page objects for that job

• Developer-to-developer demo of a web scraping project customization

• How to customize the items you get from automatic extraction

• Q&A