Compliant Web Scraping Checklist

DISCLAIMER: This post is for informational purposes only. The content is not legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. 

Is your web scraping project legal? Here’s a checklist to help you answer that question. 

Because there are no specific web scraping regulations, there’s a labyrinth of laws that one must navigate before embarking on a web scraping project. Below is a checklist to help you get started on your web scraping journey in the most legally compliant and ethical manner. If you answer “Yes” to any of the Items in the checklist below, you’ll want to follow the steps outlined in the Details column and consult with your own lawyer to ensure compliance. If you answer “No”, then your project is likely much lower risk. 

We hope this helps you navigate the legality of your project and if you aren’t sure how to answer an Item on the list or you answer “Yes” and don’t know what to do next, Zyte has a team of legal and compliance scraping experts who can help guide you on your web scraping compliance journey. Just reach out at